My wife Nicky bought this bike last week and we put it to the test at the weekend. It's basically a heavy mountain/commuter bike (24kg) with a hub motor and battery that is supposed to last 35-40 miles per charge, depending on how much you pedal. We did a 25 mile round trip over Ashridge, up Tom's Hill near Aldbury and it coped well. I also did a shorter ride on my own. You can either use the throttle or 'pedal assist' on one of 3 different settings: low, medium or high. We opted for pedal assist high - which means you pedal along at around 15 mph and are helped up hills. I struggled to keep up on my hybrid, especially up hills - next time I'll use my road bike and let Nicky carry all the luggage!
For £585, complete with lights, mudguards and luggage rack it's pretty good value. It should be just the job for Nicky to commute to work when the weather improves.